• National History Day

    Last week was a week of late nights for The Banana as she worked to pull all the parts of her history day project together before the competition on Saturday. Process papers were written. Annotated bibliographies were organized. Quotations and student composed text was typed. Photographs were printed, and an…

  • Robotics

    I’m gearing up to watch our regional robotics competition this weekend! The Devious Snail has been working long, long days at school since the beginning of January with his robotics team. The Devious Snail worked in the programming division. The robot is almost ready to rumble on the field this…

  • Learned in February

    I’ve been pronouncing the word “debacle” wrong. My husband gleefully pointed it out to me, and I’m trying to change. I tried cross country skiing for the first time on a very flat lake. It went alright, and I actually didn’t fall at all. I can see the appeal of…

  • Some Things I’m Loving

    Every summer I grow lavender on the back deck in containers. At the end of the season, I pick the purple flowers, let them dry, and fill little sachets with the blossoms. I toss them in my dresser drawers to make things smell nice, and other places. This winter season…

  • A Week of Disarray

    We have waited years to tear out the carpet in our family room and put new flooring in. We debated for years about what kind of flooring to install: Tile? Wood? A mixture? A few months ago we decided it was time for action. The carpet in that room was…

  • Last Weekend: At Adventurous Christians

    Last weekend a group of women from our church drove up to Adventurous Christians, a small camp close to Canada. We were joined by a group of women from another church in town, (and there was also a group of dads and their kids staying for the weekend as well).…

  • Recent Reads: Children’s Picture Books

    I love a good picture book, and so do my kidlets, who are now big kidlets. I think illustrated books are for people of all ages. Here are some of our recent favorites: Douglas by Randy Cecil: This is a lovely story, and the illustrations are terrific, so many details!…

  • Glasses in the Car

    It’s Wednesday, which means I am hauling kids to all sorts of places, and waiting in the car during YaYa’s oboe lesson. At least I get some reading done in snatches here and there. I’m on a quest to better my poor attitude about driving kidlets to this place and…

  • What I Learned in January

    At the piano I learned the middle movement of a Beethoven Sonata. I have been working on the Sarabande from Bach’s G Major Suite for Cello (obviously, on the cello!) but I’m not finished learning it yet. I learned that when the temperature rises wind instruments go sharp, BUT string…

  • Documenting the Plow Grade

    A picture really doesn’t do justice to the tall plow grades on every street this winter. Because we got so much snow all at once at the beginning of winter, the sides of the streets have been full of snow piles for weeks and weeks. The snow was rained on…