Learned in March
In a somewhat humiliating way, I unfortunately needed to relearn that commas should not be used to separate parts of a compound predicate. I had forgotten this mechanical rule, and I was leaning on the “comma-conjunction rule,” forgetting it was superseded by the other rule, and made a lot of…
Random Scenes from Mom School
Opposite Middles
He’s introverted, and so happy that he can just read books in his room by himself all day long. I have to drag him out to do anything other than eat. He’s not so very motivated to do homework of any sort. I’m pretty certain he could go on like…
Some Things I’m Loving
Because we’ve settled into a relaxed schedule, I’m reading a lot of books and sleeping my fill. Ahhhh. That’s nice. Have you been watching Mo Willems’ Lunch Doodles? We have been fans of Mo Willems for years and years, and The Banana and Mr. TOF wait with great anticipation for…
When Bored . . .
She was a bit bored and decided to try to play her harp backwards.
For the last few days right around 5:30 p.m. I’ve become inexplicably grumpy. Ridiculously grouchy. Grouchy like a toddler without a nap, only I have been taking lots of naps. I cannot pinpoint a reason for my bad attitude at this time of the day, really. However, this week I’m…
Random Scenes from a week of Social Distancing
2020 Sunday Night at the Beach: The “We Have Time” Edition
Everything is canceled, and I’m still kind of coming to grips with that. On Sunday evening at 6:00, when everyone was home even though usually my people are scattered in all sorts of directions, I thought The BEACH! Why not? We have time. I screeched at everyone who wanted to…
Around Here
Goodness gracious! What a week! It may have started out fairly normally, but Wednesday morning The Banana’s harp teacher announced that she was now disinfecting the harps after each student’s lesson because of the infamous Caronovirus, and by Wednesday afternoon YaYa’s college classes had moved to online learning for the…
Robotics Competition
I spent quite a bit of time watching the robotics competition last weekend, and while our robot didn’t fare as well as hoped, I found watching the robotics teams quite entertaining. There was always something to watch, whether it was the match itself, or the flurry of movement between matches…