• Recent Reads: Favorite YA Books

    It’s been a long time since I’ve posted about what I’ve been reading! I have so many books to talk about that I’ve decided to divide them up a bit into multiple posts rather than one long one. I’ve read a lot of mediocre YA books in the last few…

  • Math Facts in the Car

    All throughout the fall and early winter I’ve been waiting outside YaYa’s oboe lesson alone. But for the next few weeks, Mr. TOF has robotics after school, so I pick him up after I drop off YaYa at oboe, and then we wait in the car until she’s done. This…

  • A Boy and His Study Cuddly Buddy

    The truth of the matter is that I have such vivid memories of having test anxiety from my days as a student that I even feel anxious when I know people in my house are preparing for finals! The Devious Snail is happy his finals are over, and so am…

  • Going Outside

    He’s outside almost every single day, no matter what the weather conditions. He bounces a hockey puck around in the driveway with a hockey stick, or sleds down the hill in the front yard since the enormous plow grade now prevents anyone from sliding out into the street. (The plow…

  • Some Things I’m Loving

    All through November and December I enjoyed fresh pomegranate. I love pomegranate. My husband gifted me with some collapsible paper stars to hang in the windows for the holiday season. They made me very happy. We are still working on the best way to light them up in the evening.…

  • Uff.

    Sometimes this is how practice feels. For everyone. It’s hard work, and there are so many things to remember at once.

  • Feather

    Last Saturday afternoon we visited the aquarium. Surprise! It was National Bird Day, and there was a special hands-on display near the entrance with fun artifacts to examine up close, like bird skulls and wings, eagle claws, feathers under a microscope, and a fun basket of tail feathers to examine…

  • At the Top of the Hill

    I’m excited that my best hiking buddy is back in commission! Her broken ankle has been slow to heal, (she’s working with a physical therapist to build strength back) but she’s been cleared for longer walks now, and that is great thing, because she’s almost always up for a hike…

  • Learned in December

    I learned the meaning of the word “Ersatz.” (An inferior, not genuine substitute) I learned that just walking into a university library inspires me so much to WANT to learn. I do love learning, and all those bookshelves are filled with so many delicious books. Plus, university libraries are so…