• Sunday Night at the Beach: Edition 7

    There are so many more pictures from this trip to the beach, but I can’t share them because they include our host child.  It is sufficient to say, however, that a wonderful time was had, and our host child was caught right up in the middle of it!  There was…

  • What I Learned in July

    Leaving to go anywhere with almost 20 extended family members all together takes time.  A lot of time.  Way more time than you think it would take, even when you tell yourself to leave a lot of extra time!  It’s best to just embrace it! I’m learning to play with…

  • Dueling Trumpets

    My favorite part of “Cousin Weekend” (when a whole horde of wonderful relatives were sleeping at my house) might have been these dueling trumpets.  My niece is an amazing trumpet player, and while she was practicing, (can I interject another parenthetical expression to tell you that I LOVE hearing her…

  • With Friends

      My friends came traversing across a state and a half to visit me!  We had such a good time.  When you put all of our kids together it looked like we had such a big group, but the truth of the matter was, we were actually MISSING 5 kids…

  • Seaglass Art

    We’ve been finding so much sea glass this summer!  The Banana has quite a collection.  Inspired by someone from our church who makes beautiful art with sea glass, she has been busy creating with her treasures this week.

  • The Annual Pontoon Ride

      You might recall from previous years that when we get together at the cabin, there is usually an evening pontoon ride.  The pontoon is rickety, worn out, a well-loved hunk of junk.  Every year I get on this pontoon, which looks substantially worse in comparison to the year before,…

  • Smore Story

    It is a family tradition to have fancy Smores at the cabin.  Auntie Dot usually spearheads the effort and brings all sorts of yummy supplies to the campfire.  Unfortunately Auntie Dot was not able to share our cabin weekend with us this year (along with grandma and all those little…

  • Scenes from the Cabin

      After delivering The Banana and Mr. TOF to Grandma Kathy, who was on her way for a week of camping in the Badlands with Mr. SP, Auntie Dot, and the small cousins, we spent a few days at the family lake cabin, and were joined by the big cousins…