What Made Me Laugh

About a week ago we worked really hard to clean up and reorganize the basement.  It had gotten catastrophic.  Not only were things just sort of dumped down there randomly all summer long because they didn’t have a spot to be put away, but Dr. Peds and YaYa decided (against my wishes) to turn my under the stairs storage cupboard into a special hideaway so that YaYa could have a little bit of personal space.  This meant that all the things in that cupboard, which were mostly large sized toys that get rotated upstairs throughout the winter, were also randomly strewn around the basement with absolutely no place to be put away.  After hours and many boxes headed off to the thrift store, things are now under control down there.  I weeded through toys that we didn’t use, dress up clothes that don’t fit anyone anymore, random things that needed to be recycled.  Many, many things were boxed up in the middle of the night when kidlets were out of the picture, because my children are hoarders.  The are the definition of hoarders.  They cannot get rid of anything, even if they never use it, have forgotten all about it, or it is seven sizes too small for their personage.

Most of the boxes and bags were taken to an undisclosed location where children could not find them until they could be transported to the thrift store.  However, I must have forgotten one bag downstairs.  A few days later I strangely enough found it in my music class storage shelf.  I thought that it was odd, but just figured that Dr. Peds, who had been rearranging  some things, just got a bit confused.  So I put it at the foot of the stairs to take out later, since I was in a rush.

Last week was a rough week, and in particular, I had been having a rough morning on Friday.  I was down low, a little grouchy and a lot irritable.    I headed down to the basement to shower before packing up the car for preschool music class.  I got to the bottom of the staircase and saw that The Banana had left a note on the garbage bag, and it made me laugh so hard I nearly choked.  My stomach actually hurt from laughing so hard.  I haven’t laughed like that in months.

Oh, my sweet Banana, the biggest hoarder of them all.  This is what her note said, in case you cannot make it out from the picture (with spelling corrections for your ease of reading):


dress up



don’t thrift

put up

in our




a shelf

or you

can hang them up




don’t put 


in the



What you need to know about these dress up clothes is that they are about five sizes too small for her at this point, and they have been loved to death.  She had actually been trying to hide the whole entire bag.  Crafty girl.   Because I just can’t help but to honor such persuasive writing, I hauled them up to the attic.


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