• Numbers: A List

    I'm copycatting my friend Sara who made a list of numbers on her blog a few weeks ago. 6 . . . The number of days I stayed inside my house without even setting one toe out of the door last week during our cold snap into the deep freeze.  I seriously…

  • Concerning Winter Surfing

    Here is my husband.  He's online shopping for long surfboards.  Again.  He's been rather obsessed about getting a surfboard for the last several months.  I keep trying to hold him off, but it's not working.  I never envisioned contemplating owning a surfboard, especially while living in Minnesota.   He wants…

  • Geometric Puzzle Love

    A design by the Little Ones.  I'm actually not sure which little one it was. A design by me, last night, checking to make sure we haven't lost any pieces during the day.   I love, love, love these puzzles.  We have a couple different varieties, and this octagon made of…

  • The Banana Makes Soup

    The Recipe for Yummy Evening Soup from the kitchen of THE BANANA: 1 Pot half full of water 1 Tiny splash of milk 1 round clementine with the peel on a dash of salt a few shakes of pepper Stir over a cold burner and serve to your family members…

  • Someone Missed Her Daddy

    The Banana was so happy that Daddy was back from Iowa, and that he was around home all day long.  She read books with Dad.  She helped Dad put away the groceries.  She wanted Daddy to exclusively help her with the potty and to administer potty treats (potty treats are…

  • Saturday Afternoon Skating

    The boys in the family have taken a brief trip to Iowa to visit Great Grandparents and our energetic and lovely trio of cousins.  They left Saturday around noon. The girls in the family decided that it would be a good day to try out Sarah's new ice skates.  I…

  • Saturday Morning Mess

    Just in case you didn't recognize it, this happens to be a pickup truck.  That's right, a pickup truck.  The table covered with the plaid blanket is the cab of the truck.  The baskets strewn about make up the walls of the pickup bed in the back of the truck.…

  • A (Very) Brief Moment

    I was experimenting with some camera settings right before lunch today.  I had bribed Mr. Sneaky Pants. If he let me take 8 pictures of him, I agreed to retrieve the two swords that were on top of the refrigerator.  They were being stored there, because they have a nasty…

  • Missing from My Office

    If I'm missing a bit over the next few days, it's because we are getting new windows in my office (which has three walls of windows).  I am so excited because the old windows were painted shut, and I can't wait to open all the windows in the summer.  So…

  • Concerning Boys

    Mr. Sneaky Pants had fallen asleep in the car on the way home from returning our fill-in babysitter from piano lessons today.  The Banana was humming softly away in her carseat.  From the back of the van, Sarah was in a chatty mood, telling me all about school, and how…