• Searching for Creepy Crawlies

    This is the first real week of summer here, the first real week of no school.  It’s gone remarkably well, much better than anticipated, but the dynamics have certainly been interesting.  Oh the squabbles!  From sun up to sun down there are squabbles.  The combination of three children together doing…

  • The Banana: Not a Fan of Veggies

    The Banana is not a fan of vegetables.  She never really has been.  Typically, she’ll eat all of her food except for the vegetables (she’ll even pick around the vegetables if they are hiding in the rest of her food) and proclaim that she’s simply too full to finish her…

  • Sunday Evening at the Rocky Beach (Again)

    It was a grey, grey day.  Although it looked very chilly, it really was humid, hazy and comfortable outside.  I asked the kidlets what they wanted to do, and they unanimously chose the rocky beach.  Away we went.  They climbed, jumped, and scrambled, and I parked myself and my camera…

  • Renaissance Fair

    I didn’t manage to snap many pictures, but the kidlets and I spent the day at the Olde World Renaissance Faire in Twig.  I was the most pregnant person  there.  But, I am not a spoiled sport . . . I still went in costume.  Luckily my Renaissance costume has…

  • Rainy Friday

    It has been raining, and raining all week, and yesterday was an especially rain filled day.  By mid-afternoon, it was very clear that everyone needed a change of scenery, so we decided to make a trip down to the Depot so the kidlets could be in the children’s museum, and…

  • Evening Swimming Lessons

    During the month of June, all three kidlets are taking swimming lessons Monday through Thursday in the evenings.  It is a very big deal for Mr. Sneaky Pants and The Banana.  Mr. Sneaky Pants had swimming lessons in the fall and was quite the little fish.  He was supposed to…

  • The Belly: 34 Weeks

    I didn’t document any of my other pregnancies.  I’m not going to document very much of this one, but I have to post this picture that I just took in the bathroom because with this pregnancy I seem to forget about how big my belly is and I have actually…

  • Sunday Evening at the Rocky Beach

    It was a beautiful evening, with welcome sunshine after a few rainy days (we needed rain, but it’s always nice when the sun comes back out, too).  We loaded up the van with the kidlets, my camera and Dr. Peds threw in some food and charcoal.  He cooked supper while…