• Concerning Grey Hair

    Me:  I am so surprised that I don’t have more grey hair by now.  I expected my hair to be almost all grey and white by this age.  Grandma Robbie was pretty grey by this age and already dying her hair. YaYa:  Maybe God just knew that you wouldn’t be…

  • A Dramatic Morning

      Guess who has begun a MAJOR, fast paced growth spurt?  Guess who inherited his father’s teenage hypoglycemic tendencies?  Guess who passed out in the middle of church this morning because he ran out of time to have breakfast? Mmmmmhmmmmm. I was standing next to him, singing, when all of…

  • Famous

    Mr. TOF’s picture ended up printed large in our local newspaper last Sunday.  He’s been flying high all week.  I’ve never known someone to be so incredibly excited to have his picture published.  He believes he’s officially famous, and is waiting for people to ask for his autograph.  No joke.…

  • Milk: The New Wine

    I don’t drink alcohol for a number of reasons, the first and foremost being that is simply hate that fermented taste.  The smell gets me before my tongue gets involved, and when I can taste it . . . yuck! However, I really, really happen to appreciate a great glass…

  • Trolls Under the Bridge

    We were out for a walk on a hiking trail that we have affectionately named “Broken Bridge Road” because it used to be a road and has several broken bridges.  It was a beautiful autumn day, and we were exploring one of the broken bridges when I looked over and…

  • Weekend Rest

    For almost my entire life, the idea of keeping a sabbath was synonymous with keeping Sunday a special day.  Sunday was a day for going to church.  When I was a little girl everything was closed on Sundays, which definitely made the day “special” because it was deliriously boring.  (I…

  • A New Violin

    The Banana has grown leaps and bounds since she started the violin, and without her teacher and I realizing that she needed a larger instrument until one afternoon a couple of weeks ago, when I mentioned something to her teacher.  After measuring her, it was determined that she needed to…

  • Silent Reading Time

    Our red Hugglepod had been a fixture in the corner of our family room for years and years, and then a few weeks ago it died.  It’s possible that it could be repaired, but I don’t know how to do it.  The kidlets were sad.  They were so sad they…

  • What To Do on October First

    When it’s a sunny, 60 degree day on the first of October, you decide to round up a crew of kids from the neighborhood and go swimming.  Of course. They had a delightful afternoon.  Dr. Peds sat in a chair at next to the creek, and I went for a…