• What I Learned in October

    I have a student who always looks at the date of birth and death for the composer of a new piece, does a quick calculation in his head to find out how long the composer lived and immediately asks me how he died.  His questions inspired me to learn more…

  • Autumn

    So, it’s been bonecrushingly busy these past few weeks, but the fact that October is the most beautiful month of the year has not been lost on me!  Even though I wasn’t able to be outside nearly as much as I wanted to be, I did zip out the door…

  • Grilled Pizza

    Dr. Peds makes my favorite pizza in the history of pizza.  He rolls out  thin crust and lightly covers it with a super thin layer of olive oil.  He strategically places dabs of fresh mozzarella cheese (from the gourmet cheese section of the grocery store, not the usual bags of…

  • Spotted at the Spooktacular

    Over the weekend we zipped down to Glensheen Mansion to see all the pumpkins.  So many pumpkins!  My favorite part was probably the pumpkins playing tennis on the tennis court, a match that was being viewed by a pumpkin audience.  It was super cute. Of course, so many of the pumpkins…

  • The Social Butterfly

    She does all her homework, all the things on her list, all her practicing as efficiently as possible.  Then her shoes are on, and she’s out the door, off to play with friends and neighbors for as long as possible.  My extrovert with introvert parents and elder siblings:  she never…

  • In the Piano Studio

    Autumn is one of my favorite learning season with my music students.  I love getting to see my students who do not take lessons in the summer return to lessons.  Even my students who come in the summer are transformed by the shift in routine as school starts again.  While…

  • A Saturday Morning Hike at Amity Creek

    The resident teenager would not get out of bed and Dr. Peds was working,  but the rest of us headed out to partake of the glorious autumn splendor.   Mr. Trouble on Feet made a map and brought it along in his backpack in case we didn’t know which way…

  • Warm Fall Night

    I’m super behind on blogging what we’ve been up to.  A week ago on Sunday the weather was so warm it was practically hot.  Actually, it was hot!  After lunch I considered doing the work I needed to do, but then I looked out at my hammock hanging under the…

  • Neighborhood Music Night

    Last Saturday we invited a few families from our neighborhood  and a few nearby friends to come to our house for Neighborhood Music Night.  It’s a night of music sharing that we began about a year and a half ago, and it’s a lot of fun.  The selections range from…